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Faith Formation

Welcome to St. Vincent's Faith Formation! Saint Vincent de Paul Church offers many opportunities to enrich and guide you on your spiritual journey. Our Religious Education Department offers the following programs:

Family Faith Formation (K-6)
Edge (7-8)
Life Teen (Public School 9-10)
Confirmation (9-10)

Adult Faith Formation opportunities

The spiritual journey, enriched by diverse religious education opportunities, is what unites Saint Vincent de Paul parishioners. The parish strives to guide children and their families through each phase of their spiritual life. Our staff and catechists, serve to mentor and guide each student and family in their faith formation experience. These opportunities include retreats, family formation gatherings, volunteer, parish functions, social events, Family Liturgy day, and many Liturgical activities that inspire our families to draw closer to God.

Outreach is an integral part of our Family Faith Formation program. In addition to our scheduled Faith Formation classes, we serve our greater community in a variety of ways. St. Vincent’s Rel Ed families have helped to serve food to the poor and needy at St. Luke's Mission, Family Promise and FISH. Our church community helps to provide Christmas gifts, donate, sort, and serve food in soup kitchens, donate time and treasure to the adopt a family program in Family Promise, create hand made Christmas cards to the residents of adult living centers in our area. Our St. Vincent de Paul ministry helps the needy in our own community by offering turkeys during Thanksgiving, along with various food drives throughout the year. If you're interested in serving our community in any way, please complete the volunteer form here. If you are unsure of how to get involved in the community, don't worry! Someone will be in touch with you about specific service events that are in need of volunteers.

Serving our parish community is another way that our Faith Formation program actively serves the Church. Families are encouraged to volunteer at our many church functions and masses in roles such as Lectoring, Eucharistic Ministering, Music Ministering, Ushering, Gift Bearing, setting and cleaning up at various parish events, and teaching or babysitting in our Faith Formation program. This provides our youth and their families with many opportunities to enrich and inspire a closer relationship with the Lord. 

For more information, for teens or adult volunteers and Core Team Members, please email us at