There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met.


Our Community at St. Vincent's

Welcome to our community at St. Vincent's! We are so excited and honored that you would like to get more involved with our SVDP ministries and would like to give you everything you need to know about them. We are a tight-knit community that like to share in fellowship, outreach, personal growth, and lots of fun. There are so many ways to get involved formally or informally with our parish, but some of the more formally established ministries that we have are listed below. 

Get Involved!

If you are interested in getting involved in one of our ministries, please contact the person associated with the ministry below. You may also contact Dominic Buttino at if something doesn't look right. If you are unsure of what to join, you may fill out our general "Join" form and someone will get in touch with you. We hope to hear from you and see you around our parish community!

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Parish Ministries

Altar/Rosary Society
Divine Will
Eucharistic Adoration
Men’s Faith Sharing
Ministry of Consolation
Online Prayer Ministry
Parish Council
Parish Fundraiser
Prayer Group
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Religious Ed Director
Respect Life
Teams of Our Lady
Telephone Prayer Line
Visitation of the Sick
We Care Ministry
Youth Ministry

Contact Info

Judy Roth: 
Mike Pauly: 
Sharon Snyder: 716 652-3972

Mary Rudich: 716 655-1491
Joe Morcelle: 716 652-2286
Camille Klein 716 473-6822
David Squire: 716 674-6547
Dan S.: 716 683-6327
Evelyn M.: 716 652-2286
Chris Vaccaro: 716 675-1671
Julie Cappello: 716 652-7242
Tammy Stanek: 716 799-2519

Kathy Hayes: 716 674-0671
Evelyn M.: 716 652-2286
Fr. Karl: 716 652-3972

Julie Cappello: 716 652-7242


Liturgical Ministries

Altar Server Ministry
Eucharistic Minister
Lector Ministry
Music Ministry
Usher Ministry

Charitable Ministries

Family Promise

St. Luke's Mission
SVDP Society

Contact Info

Curt Sauers: 716 870-7790
Tama Sauers: 716 652-3498
Betty: (716) 341-5725
John Doyle

Contact Info
Rectory: 716 652-3972
St. Luke's: 716 894-4476
Mark Jarnot: 716 652-4019

Starting a New Ministry at St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church

If you have something special on your heart that you'd like to suggest as a ministry for our Church, please click here to complete the Ministry Suggestion Form. Ministry suggestions are always welcome as they help to make our parish community a welcoming and vibrant place. Your request will be reviewed by our Pastor and Deacons to ensure that it complies with all of our requirements. We will reach out at our earliest convenience with a decision or any questions or concerns that we have.

Proposal for Facility Usage

Please click here to complete a Facility Usage Form and submit a proposal for facility usage at St. Vincent de Paul. This form covers all requests regarding events or organizations that would take place at St. Vincent's. Facility requests will be reviewed by our Pastor. We will reach out at our earliest convenience with a decision or any questions or concerns that we have.

Diocesan Ministries

Do you know that our Diocese has many ministries available to all of us during the different seasons of our lives? The Office of Family Life’s mission is to reflect caring, concern and compassionate pastoral presence for family in all dimensions be it traditional families, blended families, single parent families, international families, single persons, those adopted, disabled, those hurting and suffering. They respond to the needs of the engaged, the married, family and those in need of healing through diocesan programs and parish-based specific support and peer ministry. They also provide services and practical resources to assist persons in all stages of life from birth to 100 years plus in order to more fully experience God in the “ordinary" of one’s lived reality.

Interested in finding out more? Contact: or 847-2210. Please see the following ministries to understand a bit of what is available:

Bishop’s Committee – Bib Ministry
Bishop’s Committee for Christian Home & Family
Catholic Women’s Discussion Group
Cursillo Movement
Knights of Columbus