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Diocesan Ministries

Diocesan Ministries - Do you know that our Diocese has many ministries available to all of us during the different seasons of our lives? The Office of Family Life’s mission is to reflect caring, concern and compassionate pastoral presence for family in all dimensions be it traditional families, blended families, single parent families, international families, single persons, those adopted, disabled, those hurting and suffering. They respond to the needs of the engaged, the married, family and those in need of healing through diocesan programs and parish-based specific support and peer ministry. They also provide services and practical resources to assist persons in all stages of life from birth to 100 years plus in order to more fully experience God in the “ordinary “of one’s lived reality.

Interested in finding out more? Contact: or 716.847.2210. Please see the listed ministries to understand a bit of what is available