There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met.

TOOL (Teams of Our Lady)

Teams of Our Lady (TOOL) is an international community of couples founded to foster the love of God and spouse. It is this love which the New Testament calls agape. The monthly Team meeting puts into practice this agape as a domestic church, gathering couples of similar purpose.

The team comes together to meet as couples traveling the same road as Christ, our partner on the journey. At the meetings, we meet Him through the love, support, and interaction with each other and the other couples. We bring to the meeting everything which is happening in our lives, our work, our plans, our joys, and sorrows. We come as couples bearing in our hearts our children, our family, and our friends.

The team is not an objective in itself, but a means to more deeply develop our relationship with God and our spouse through study, prayer, and sharing. Coordinators: Kathy and Bob Hayes – 674.0671.